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HTS - Ultrasonic Bolt Measurement

HTS-ultrasonic bolt measurement device; measures, displays, stores and transfers bolt load and elongation data in a new, single purpose unit. The unit uses a rugged, sealed color touch screen for easy operator use. The measurement system is a hybrid technique, using the best of both analogue and digital signal processing techniques for fast signal acquisition and precise single shot TOF measurement.

All data is logically presented on a 4.3” color, resistive touch screen, usable with gloves. Data and digital signal traces are stored for later display and transfer. The unit has automatic temperature compensation through an included magnetic temperature probe. The novel memory system has a secure sector for all bolt data and and can transfer via USB to a computer.

•     179x179x45mm - 1.5 kg

•     Real time signal tracking

•     Colour, sunlight readable, touch display

•     Secure data collection, password protected

•     Flexible and programmable data storage

HTS - 超声波螺栓检测仪.png

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